Friday, July 27, 2012

Meet, Greet and Read! The Original and the Follow-up!

Thirty-three students and family member met this summer at the new Hancock County Public Library! We toured the library, played frisbee baseball and shared about extra credit Reading opportunities this summer!

1) The whole purpose of this activity was to travel physically to the library and READ a book!
2) Sixth graders will be reading many editorials and articles from the newspaper (that is graciously donated by Richard and Marjorie Wilson and Domtar) to which they will respond with their opinion through writing.
3) Sixth graders will also recite many poems...the first one is Fog by Carl Sandburg!

Let me say that I am tickled pink about the participation in the initial program this summer and this will continue in the months to come! Keep Reading! We are going to have a tremendous year!