Friday, February 12, 2010

February 17 Vocabulary Quiz Words Continued....

Outlining-Outlining informational text helps you identify important ideas and understand how they are related or connected to each other.

Paraphrasing-When you paraphrase a text, you put it in own words.

Persuasion-When you as a writer use language or visual images to get your audience to believe or do something....

Emotional Appeals, Logical appeals and Logical fallacies are examples of persuasion...

Predicting-To make predictions, look for clues that the writer gives you. Connect those clues with other things you have read, as well as your own experiences. You will adjust your predictions as you read...

Prior Knowledge-Prior means previous or before.....this knowledge is what you know about a subject----before you read a selection...You may recall experiences you have had...

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