Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Vocabulary (January 3-7, 2011)

Prefixes: dia-through, across diameter, dialogue
per-through, across perceive

1) diagram (n)- a picture drawn to explain an idea
2)diagnose (v)-to identify a disease through symptoms
3)diagonal (n)-a straight line through a figure from one corner to another corner
4)diaphanous (adj) -transparent, capable of being seen through
5)diaphragm (n) - a membrane that separates one thing from another, such as the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity
6)perambulate (v) -to walk through, over or around
7)percolate (v) - to drip through a small opening to filter a liquid
8)perforate (v) - to make holes in something
9)persistence (n) - continuing stubbornly without giving up; determination
10)pervasive (adj) - having the power to be spread or to pass through

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