Monday, November 15, 2010

Vocabulary (Friday, November 19th---Quiz)

Here's a list of vocabulary words that will be on the upcoming test...

1) adapt-(verb) to change to be suitable or fit
2) adhere-(verb) to stick to something; conform to; obey
3) adjacent-(adjective) close to, bordering on
4) recurrent-(adjective) happening again and again, returning periodically
5) reimburse-(verb) pay back, refund
6) reiterate-(verb) repeat many times
7) secession-(noun) the act of withdrawing from an alliance or association
8) seclude-(verb) to withdraw or set apart from social contact
9) segregate-(verb) to separate from the rest of the group
10) sequester-(verb) to separate or withdraw; to choose solitude or retirement

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Extra! Extra! New Vocabulary----Read all about it!!!

Cir, Circum- around circumference
Peri- around, surrounding near perimeter

Circuit-(n) a revolving; a journey around; a route
The delivery man's circuit took him to all parts of the city.

Circulatory-(adj) going in a circuit, circular
The circulatory system includes the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries.

Circumnavigate-(v) to sail around
His attempt to circumnavigate the world in his small boat was ended by the large storm.

Circumstance-(n) the condition surrounding or related to an event
He asked for a careful explanation of the circumstances of the accident.

Circumvent-(v) to go around or bypass
It is better to face your problem straight on than try to circumvent it be blaming other people.

Period-(n) the interval between certain happenings
The period between lunch and wellness is two hours.

Periodic-(adj) happening at regular intervals; happening from time to time
Her periodic trips to the dentist kept their teeth healthy and clean.

Perigee-(n) the point in the moon's or a satellite's orbit that is closest to the earth or body it is orbiting
When the moon is at its perigee, does it appear longer than usual?

Periphery-(n) the outer boundary of something
The perphery of a the garden is surrounded by a fence.

Periscope-(n) an instrument for seeing around things
Using a periscope, he was able to spy on the animals on the other side of the fence.

On Demand Writing/Vocabulary

Purposes of On Demand Writing:
To Persuade*, Inform** or Narrate***
*Persuading an audience requires students to establish a viewpoint and support that viewpoint with details convincing the audience to adopt your position (Speech or Editorial)
**Informing (telling) an audience requires the student to write an article about a situation or a topic
***Narrative pieces include a story or account in order to support an idea, opinion, conclusion, interpretation or a request...the storyline is a way of developing the writing to accomplish a realistic, transactive purpose

Organization of an On Demand Piece of Writing
To WHOM are you writing ?( In other words, who is your audience? Who is going to be reading your piece of writing? What type of TONE are you using? Vocabulary?

Why am I writing this piece? PURPOSE...what is the focus of your writing?

Which Format will you be using? You will see a number of different types of prompts. You may be writing an article, editorial, letter or speech.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Book Blogs (New Way to Earn Extra Credit)

If you write a book blog about a new book you have read...please talk to Mrs. Basham about posting your blog on this website so other students can chime in as well. This will allow us to share information about books and what your preferences are.

I can't wait to hear the speeches on Thursday and Friday about your Greek god or goddess. You have worked hard to prepare for this moment. Don't forget to practice in front of a mirror or a live audience at home. Also please try to time that your speech is not longer than five minutes. Eliminate any pauses, uhs or using the word like excessively.

You may speak loud enough for your audience to hear everything you say. Speaking slowly is also important so we can understand you properly. Smile and remember that you have worked hard for this speech. You can do it...I am looking forward to hearing you share!

Great looking posters! I like the graphics used and demonstration of creativity....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What do Fish have to do with anything? (pp.557-565)

Symbolism, the use of symbols, adds another layer of meaning to all kinds of texts,
from poetry to fiction and nonfiction. In this story the writer uses things, like cave-dwelling fish and a poundcake, to mean what they are-----and much more.

Reading Skill: Inferences....writers rarely come right out and explain what their symbols mean. You have to find the symbols and figure out their meaning on your own. You do this by making inferences. You use details to infer, or guess at, the larger ideas the writer is trying to convey.

vaguely-not clearly or definitely
contemplated-studied carefully
intently-with close attention

Notecards (10/4), Posters (10/5), Speeches (10/7-8)

STUDENTS : Looking forward to hearing about your mythological gods and goddesses. You have been working extremely hard to prepare for these upcoming due dates.

Notecards are due Monday, October 4th.
Posters are due on Tuesday, October 5th.

Vocabulary test on Wednesday, October hard for these last ten words before fall break! :)

Speeches are being shared with the classes on Thursday and Friday, October 7th and 8th...Remember to practice in front of a mirror before giving your helps with nervousness and you can see your own expressions as you give your speech. You are going to do a great can do it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Before and After

Prefixes: fore-before, toward
pre--before, toward
post-after, behind

New Vocabulary:
forecast (v)- to predict or estimate in advance
forethought (n)- a thought that comes beforehand, a prediction
forewarn (v)- to warn beforehand

posterior (n)- the back side
posthumous (adj)- happening after someone's death
postpone (v)- put off until a later time

preamble (n)- an introduction or introductory explanation
precaution (n)- care taken beforehand
premature (adj)-happending or ripening before the natural or proper time
premier (n)- the first performance or showing

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reminder: Vocabulary Quiz on Friday!!!

Hyperbole-an intentional statement of exaggeration
Hypercritical-excessively critical
Hypertension-extreme tension; high blood pressure
Hyperthermia-high temperature
Superimpose-lay one item on top of another
Superlative-of the highest order; best; greatest
Supernatural-beyond the laws of nature
Surcharge-additional tax or charge
Surplus-more than what is needed

Also you need to know: Alliteration, Simile and Metaphor
Have your notecards been graded and are you studying them?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Choice #3 Awful Ogre's Breakfast by Jack Prelutsky

Oh breakfast, lovely breakfast,
You're the meal I savor most.
I sip a bit of gargoyle bile
and chew on some ghoul toast.

I linger over scrambled legs,
Complete with pickled feet,
Then finish with piping bowl
of steamy SCREAM OF WHEAT.

Choice #2 The Vulture by Hilaire Belloc

The Vulture eats between his meals,
And that's the reason why
He very, very rarely feels
As well as you and I.

His eye is dull, his head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner.
Oh! What a lesson for us all
To only eat at dinner!

Choices for Poems

The Rose Family
by Robert Frost
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is, and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose--
But were always a rose.

Advanced Reading Class-----Your Poem!

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenn snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing;
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
The poem is an excerpt from William Shakespeare's MACBETH.......

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More, More, More

New Vocabulary Words:
hyperbole (n) - an intentional statement of exaggeration
hypercritical (adj) - excessively critical
hypertension (n) - extreme tension; high blood pressure
hypothermia (n) - high temperature
superimpose (v) - lay one item atop of another
superlative (adj) - of the highest order; best; greatest
supernatural (adj) - beyond the laws of nature
supervise (v) - oversee
surcharge (n) - additional charge or tax
surplus (n) - more that what is needed

hyper-above, over, more super, supr, sur-above, over, more
These are your new words....please study them carefully each day...Vocabulary Quiz on September 2, 2010!
The sixth grade is superb!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I am totally excited about students reciting their poems tomorrow! Many of them have told me that they know them NOW...Bravo!
Write your assignments in your planner each day...
This week's assignments include: poems, notecards, pretest for context clues, word meaning, prefixes and suffixes plus comprehension....hooray!!

Words to Know: Alliteration, Metaphor, Personification and Simile

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are studying personification. Personification is a special kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman or nonliving thing or quality is talked about as if it were human or alive.
The Toaster by William Jay Smith
A silver-scaled Dragon with jaws flaming red
Sits at my elbow and toasts my bread
I hand him fat slices, and then, one by one,
He hands them back when he sees they are done.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hooray! You made it through the first day!

The new sixth graders had absolutely terrific behavior today....we as teachers are so proud of them....

Students received forms and a syllabus from each class....these forms need to be turned by August 16, 2010.

Reminder: Every student is reciting a poem on August 17, 2010.
Each student has a poetry booklet that contains their poem. Please show your parents your planner and explain about your day:)

Upcoming Events: The Hancock County Fair begins tonight with a community service at 7 PM. Then on Thursday, August 12....rides begin at 5:00...the cost is $10 and you can ride as many times as you want.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who Has Seen the Wind?
by Christina Georgina Rossetti

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

Discussion points:Rhyming, patterns --do you see any rhyming words or patterns?

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion begins TODAY!

Below are two types of poems....the first one is entitled,

by Carl Sandburg

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Discussion points: personification, comparison/contrast, free verse
How is fog like a cat?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Prepare for Sixth Grade Reading

I have had several students and parents ask how to prepare for my class....

Below are several suggestions to help students succeed throughout the year:

First, bring a great attitude and be respectful of others.

You might ask, "What is a great attitude?" Every day, be willing to work hard on any activity that is discussed, explained and offered to you. Every time we meet as a class, it is an opportunity for you to shine. Take advantage and come with a smile on your face:)

Also being respectful of your peers (classmates), me ( your teacher) and your surroundings. We have a great school and it is even greater since YOU have joined us at Hancock County Middle School.

Second, come prepared to work with ALL essential materials.

What are essential materials? Paper, sharpened pencils, folders, notecards and highlighters are needed on most days....I will post the assignment on the board for each period.
One of the most important things you can bring to class....your planner (agenda). It is your ticket to the bathroom and to your locker......don't leave it in your locker....bring it with you to help keep you organized.

Third, remember that being quiet and calm in the hall is necessary and for your safety.

I know that you are excited about school starting but remember to be calm in the halls. We do not allow anyone to RUN from one class to the next. We line up outside in the halls and wait for teacher instructions. When you enter the room, seats will usually be assigned so find yours quickly and remain it is not distracting to others and class can begin on time!

See you soon,
Mrs. Basham

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Despicable Me is a FUNNY show.....

Mrs. Basham watched this movie with her family the other night. It was hilarious...those minions were my overall favorite....they are expressive and their interactions with each other made me laugh out loud....

The message of the movie was also a good one....someone who was hard-hearted and cold....their disposition can be changed when they are was powerful and anyone would enjoy it

Reading needs to be included in your summer activities...I am reading a book right now...Has anyone read Sorcerer's Apprentice? It is a quick read that is entertaining.....the movie is released on Wednesday, July 14th.

Another tidbit of information......several students have expressed their concern that they will not be able to open their lockers quickly....I want everyone to know that we will have a lot of practice and you will learn this in the blink of an can do it!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wow! It has been extremely warm...the grass in my yard is getting kinda crunchy! I am getting into the school mode because I have started thinking about books we will be reading and activities that we will be adding this year....

I have planted an unusual tree and have really been watering it faithfully so it will continue to grow....make sure you are reading something everyday...whether it is the newspaper, magazines or a favorite series of books....

Next week, I will be posting a list of my favorite new books that have been released....see 'ya then:)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth of July! Celebrate our Nation's Independence!

Today as I was sailing, I saw Mimi Hughes, a Tennessee resident and teacher, who is trying to swim the length of the Ohio River by July 17. My husband and I were sailing near Cloverport's boat ramp....we noticed a swimmer and a blue kayak that accompanies her as she swims...she is supposed to stop in Cannelton, Indiana at 6:30 PM. She must swim twenty miles each day to reach her goal....people on the banks in Cloverport were cheering her onward....I think it is an amazing goal...I hope she reaches it and is successful.

I will see many of you at Vastwood if you choose to celebrate the fourth of July there. My brother and his wife are bringing my niece and nephew to Hancock County. They will be there with us.
I am excited.

Have a magical will pass quickly....I have a goal of my own for this year....this class will be one of the best ever....looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you better...
Mrs. Basham

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Activities

Hope everyone is having a relaxing summer....complete with lots of exercise, fun and plain 'ole doing nothing.......

Just one question: Have you read anything this summer? Newspaper, Magazine, Books?

Wellllllll....let me encourage you to GO TO THE LIBRARY....I have been there several times myself. They have plenty of books on many topics...I know....what you are is can she expect me to read when I am on vacation? will have something to discuss the first week of is right around the corner....

Let me know what your favorite book is.....waiting to hear from you.....

Mrs. Basham
Reading Teacher/HCMS Sixth Grade Have a great day!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer Time and the Living is Easy!

Are you ready for the summer? Mrs. Basham is already thinking about the fall.....hope you incoming sixth graders are ready to rock and roll.......

Have a wonderful restful summer with lots of swimming, good food and fun times.....

I am looking forward to getting to know you......

HCMS is a great place to learn!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yippee! Testing is finished.....Students worked hard!

Here is a poem that students will be reciting on Friday, May 7, 2010.

The Ballad of East and West
by Rudyard Kipling
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!
twain-set of two
breed-ethnic group
birth-class status

Friday, April 16, 2010

Excited about Testing!

Testing begins next week for the sixth grade.....make sure you get plenty of sleep, a good breakfast and bring a great attitude with you...

Remember to stay focused during the test...You can do it...

Your AR book needs to come with you to school and go home with you at need AR points....

I know that you are going to do very well...I am counting on it!

Midterms are coming home April 30th. You need to continue to work hard and give your best effort in the future.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

BEREA-where is it? (In the state of Kentucky)

Name the region of Kentucky where BEREA is found.

What types of arts and crafts are made in Berea?

Define Appalachia.....what is different about the topography there and where we live?

What is a liberal arts college?

Define interracial-

Boone Tavern is located in Berea, KY. What is one of its most famous dishes?

Vocabulary for the Test!

The following vocabulary came from the story, "A Child's Labor of Love" on page 265.

magnify-make larger/enlarge
petrify-turn to stone
beautify-make more beautiful
luminary-a famous person that inpsires or motivates us to become better individuals
honorary-given to a person as a sign of honor
avaricious-stingy, Scrooge
cardiac-having to do with the heart
dramatic-threatrical expression
aquatic-growing, living or found in water
exasperation-extreme annoyance
irritation-impatient anger, annoyed

Propaganda Techniques

Vocabulary Test on Thursday, March 25, 2010!!!!! STUDY>>>STUDY>>>>STUDY

Bandwagon-you need something or do something because everybody else is doing it or has it
Testimonial-a famous person (actor or athlete) promotes an idea or a product
Snob Appeal-$, IMAC, some type of cool car, mansion, vacation/trips, talents-art/music....athletic prowess ****product/idea to associate membership in a special group
Stereotyping-Lumping people into a category
Name-calling-For no reason or evidence people label (discredit/rubber stamp)
Hasty Generalization-statement based on incomplete evidence
Circular Reasoning-Reasoning that goes nowhere but in a circle
Only-Cause Fallacy-situation seen as a result of one cause

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vocabulary for Upcoming Quiz

Omnipotent-all-powerful; having great or unlimited power
Fortitude-courage; endurance of pain and misfortune
Dynamic-full of energy and forcefulness; related to energy or power
Valor-bravery; courage; fearlessness
Valid-sound or just because it is based on legal principles or sound evidence
Potent-mighty; powerful; having great authority
Fortify-to make stronger
Dynasty-a succession of rulers
Dynamo-an energetic, hard-working person
Valorous-brave; courageous

We are currently taking the PAS test in Reading.....the students are working hard! Way to go!

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 17 Vocabulary Test plus Definitions

Propaganda-is an organized attempt to persuade people to accept certain ideas or take certain actions.
Bandwagon, testimonial and snob appeal are all examples of propaganda...

Retelling-From time to time in your reading, after something important has happened...stop for a few what has just taken place, focus on the major events...think about them and retell them briefly in you own words.....

Summarizing-You restate the author's main points in your own words. You include only the important ideas and details...

Study and review these words each night until you know them...there could be some application on the test...You could be applying these strategies using newspaper articles or excerpts from books. Good are a great group of students!

February 17 Vocabulary Quiz Words Continued....

Outlining-Outlining informational text helps you identify important ideas and understand how they are related or connected to each other.

Paraphrasing-When you paraphrase a text, you put it in own words.

Persuasion-When you as a writer use language or visual images to get your audience to believe or do something....

Emotional Appeals, Logical appeals and Logical fallacies are examples of persuasion...

Predicting-To make predictions, look for clues that the writer gives you. Connect those clues with other things you have read, as well as your own experiences. You will adjust your predictions as you read...

Prior Knowledge-Prior means previous or before.....this knowledge is what you know about a subject----before you read a selection...You may recall experiences you have had...

February 17---Upcoming Vocabulary Quiz

These are the words that will be on the test on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 for all classes.

Second Period's Vocabulary Words:
Author's Purpose-The author writes for several reasons:

1)To inform-tell the audience something they did not know previously.
2)To persuade-convince the audience to do something or embrace an idea.
3)To express feelings-opinions contain feelings ---anger, loneliness, joy...
4)To entertain-engage someone's attention by making them laugh .....

Cause/Effect-a cause is the reason something happens. An effect is what happens as a result of the cause....the cause happens first in time. The later event is the effect.

Chronological Order-Most narratives are written in time will see words like NEXT,
THEN, FOLLOWING and other signal words that help you understand sequence/time passing.

FLASHBACK-looking back on events in the past....

Comparison/Contrast-When you compare, you look for similarities was in which things are alike.
When you contrast, you look for differences.

Context Clues-If you don't understand the meaning of a word, you can look at the words surrounding the word or sentences that are before and following the word you do not know..

Evaluating evidence-In persuasive or informational texts, you need to weigh the evidence that writers use to support their it adequate, appropriate and accurate?

Fact/Opinion-A fact is something that can be proved opinion expresses a personal belief or feeling. An opinion cannot be proved true or false.

Generalization-A generalization is a broad statement based on several particular combine evidence in a text with what you already know to make a broad, universal statement about some topic.

Graphic Features-Headings, design features, maps, charts, tables, diagrams, and illiustrations are all graphic features....they present information visually.

Inference-An inference is an educated guess.....readers make inferences on the basis of clues writers give them and experiences from their own lives. You read between the lines to figure what the writer suggests but does not state directly.

Main Idea-The most important idea in a piece of nonfiction writing...a main idea can be stated directly or implied (suggested).....the reader must infer or guess what it is.....

Notetaking-Notetaking is important if readers want to remember ideas and facts.
Write phrases or notes in your own words to help you recall the events in the story....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Almost Time to Get Back in the Swing of Things!

Happy 2010! Can you believe that we are starting a new decade? Hope you are well rested and ready to go back to school! I have seen several students during the break at ballgames, movies...glad to see you are enjoying your break like I am.

Pretty cold this morning as 2010 was welcomed. Wow! If it is going to be this cold, I would like to have some snow on the ground. Just a personal request, no ice please....I would like to go outside and not fall down. Ha!

I have seen several good movies. I have also read several books. I have not played as many board games as I hoped to play....What are your favorite games? You need to share them with me when you return.

It was disappointing to see the Kentucky Wildcats lose to the Clemson Tigers on December 27th.
However, I am enjoying Kentucky basketball immensely. I also have been able to see the Hancock County Hornets. They have been playing hard and are winning. Come see them on Saturday night against Cloverport beginning at 6:00 p.m. The boys play first and afterward the girls are playing too!

Savor the last few days of sure has been nice and rejuvenating!