Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Extra! Extra! New Vocabulary----Read all about it!!!

Cir, Circum- around circumference
Peri- around, surrounding near perimeter

Circuit-(n) a revolving; a journey around; a route
The delivery man's circuit took him to all parts of the city.

Circulatory-(adj) going in a circuit, circular
The circulatory system includes the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries.

Circumnavigate-(v) to sail around
His attempt to circumnavigate the world in his small boat was ended by the large storm.

Circumstance-(n) the condition surrounding or related to an event
He asked for a careful explanation of the circumstances of the accident.

Circumvent-(v) to go around or bypass
It is better to face your problem straight on than try to circumvent it be blaming other people.

Period-(n) the interval between certain happenings
The period between lunch and wellness is two hours.

Periodic-(adj) happening at regular intervals; happening from time to time
Her periodic trips to the dentist kept their teeth healthy and clean.

Perigee-(n) the point in the moon's or a satellite's orbit that is closest to the earth or body it is orbiting
When the moon is at its perigee, does it appear longer than usual?

Periphery-(n) the outer boundary of something
The perphery of a the garden is surrounded by a fence.

Periscope-(n) an instrument for seeing around things
Using a periscope, he was able to spy on the animals on the other side of the fence.

On Demand Writing/Vocabulary

Purposes of On Demand Writing:
To Persuade*, Inform** or Narrate***
*Persuading an audience requires students to establish a viewpoint and support that viewpoint with details convincing the audience to adopt your position (Speech or Editorial)
**Informing (telling) an audience requires the student to write an article about a situation or a topic
***Narrative pieces include a story or account in order to support an idea, opinion, conclusion, interpretation or a request...the storyline is a way of developing the writing to accomplish a realistic, transactive purpose

Organization of an On Demand Piece of Writing
To WHOM are you writing ?( In other words, who is your audience? Who is going to be reading your piece of writing? What type of TONE are you using? Vocabulary?

Why am I writing this piece? PURPOSE...what is the focus of your writing?

Which Format will you be using? You will see a number of different types of prompts. You may be writing an article, editorial, letter or speech.