Cir, Circum- around circumference
Peri- around, surrounding near perimeter
Cir, Circum- around circumference
Peri- around, surrounding near perimeter
Circuit-(n) a revolving; a journey around; a route
The delivery man's circuit took him to all parts of the city.Circulatory-(adj) going in a circuit, circular
The circulatory system includes the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries.Circumnavigate-(v) to sail around
His attempt to circumnavigate the world in his small boat was ended by the large storm.Circumstance-(n) the condition surrounding or related to an event
He asked for a careful explanation of the circumstances of the accident.Circumvent-(v) to go around or bypass
It is better to face your problem straight on than try to circumvent it be blaming other people.Period-(n) the interval between certain happenings
The period between lunch and wellness is two hours.Periodic-(adj) happening at regular intervals; happening from time to time
Her periodic trips to the dentist kept their teeth healthy and clean.Perigee-(n) the point in the moon's or a satellite's orbit that is closest to the earth or body it is orbiting
When the moon is at its perigee, does it appear longer than usual?Periphery-(n) the outer boundary of something
The perphery of a the garden is surrounded by a fence.Periscope-(n) an instrument for seeing around things
Using a periscope, he was able to spy on the animals on the other side of the fence.