1) Arbitrary (adj)- depending on someone's preference or whim; unreasonable
2) Bribery (n)- giving or taking rewards for acting or deciding in a certain way
3) Cautionary (adj)- urging caution or care; related to a warning
4) Conciliatory (adj)- tending to make peace between people or gain good will
5) Culinary (adj)- related to cooking of the kitchen
6) Drudgery (n)- hard, menial, unpleasant and boring work
7) Heredity (adj)- passed down from an ancestor; transmitted from parent to child
8) Laudatory (adj)- espressing praise
9) Migratory (adj)- related to moving from one location to another
10) Promissory (adj)- related to a promise
11) Ancestor (n)- a person from whom one has descended
12) Astronomer (n)-one who is trained in the science dealing with stars and planets
13) Chauvinist (n)-one who has a blind devotion to a certain cause
14) Chronicler (n)-someone who records events and when they happen
15) Conspirator (n)-one who secretly plans with other people to perfrom an unlawful act
16) Linguist (n)- a person who is skilled in thet study of language
17) Narcissist (n)- one who exhibits abnormal interest in his or her own appearance and importance
18) Conqueror (n)-one who gains control by force
19) Pessimist (n) one who believes tht world is bad or who looks on the dark side of life
20) Proprietor (n)- someone who owns a business or property
ar, er, or means one who
ist means one who
ary - related to, quality
ery- related to, quality
ory-related to , quality