Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today is our Thesauri Party!

Students are using their thesauri to broaden their vocabularies and become better writers. Our on-demand writing has improved this year. However, student writing can continually improve when new vocabulary words are incorporated into their writing! Students have been faithfully using their dictionaries all year and occasionally used the thesaurus to give their writing a little 'spice'.

Some of the words we investigated today are: get-gave, take, receive, obtain, gain (examples from one thesauri we used...)

good great stuff myth real ready quick tease tempt go joy loud mad loose look move narrate open opinion realize imagine improve fable cooperate

Word challenges: meager mediocrity renown honor humanity final fop fiendish exonerate blame

Spare words: boast baffle pretend prefer discipline ready hint color cheer angry announce ample